Phenomenon in which a whale becomes stuck on a beach, often causing the whale's death.
Examples for "whale beaching"
Examples for "whale beaching"
1A whale beaching had not been recorded in the area before, he added.
2Marine experts and volunteers are on high alert amid fears of a mass whale beaching along the Irish coast.
3Whale beachings are common in the region, but one of this size has not been seen in over a decade.
4Two boats were in the water off Ruakaka Beach this morning to try to stop the rest of the pod of whales beaching.
5Whale beaching: An enduring mystery Rescuers are trying to free a pod of long-finned pilot whales stranded off the Australian island of Tasmania.
1Rescuers try to help a stranded whale off the coast of Northland.
2Kuia crying as they watch the stranded whale on a Northland beach.
3Hog remained there in the middle of the dusty road like a stranded whale.
4In the distance he looked enormous, like a stranded whale.
5A stranded whale on a Waikato beach has died, despite rescuers' best efforts to save it.
1She searched for and found the man lying like a beached whale.
2Gil resembled nothing more than a beached whale dressed up in farmer's clothes.
3He was back on his belly, doing his beached whale imitation.
4He looked like a beached whale, lying on his side in the sand.
5I read somewhere that a beached whale will die from an overdose of gravity.
Translations for cetacean stranding